Monday, 11 January 2016

The New Year Post. Hello 2016!

 I was scrolling through my Bloglovin' feed and saw that everyone and their pets were writing this post (albeit this one is rather late.)

I thought I would include some of my own. Just as a disclaimer I haven't ever really written New Years Resolutions as such so they might be totally rubbish.

1) Write at least 2 blog posts a month. 
This may seem like a seriously low target but I have never written for a blog before and it's something that I have wanted to do but have never plucked up the courage before. I seem to have stuck to this so far and hope to do so in the future. If you have anything you would like me to cover then please feel free.

2) Take the first steps in becoming a Counsellor.
I did a BA hons in Management and Leadership and have since decided that I'm interested in counselling. As stupid as it sounds I have always wanted to help people as much as I can. I've found an introductory night course locally. I'll let you all know how that goes.

3) Exercise and drink more water.

Notice that this doesn't say exercise more. So yes. I don't really do exercise unless you count my 5 minute walk to and from work. I doubt that counts. I've tried to work on this by going for a run when I can (putting a number on it would put me off I think..). I've also purchased a  Brita water bottle which filters the water as you drink it, The part of the world i'm in has very hard water which makes it taste strange so this helps with that. 

4) Make more of an effort with my appearance.

This might sound like a weird one and it's kind of embarrassing to admit. I've been feeling a little down lately and my appearance has suffered as a result. It sounds a bit vain but I work at my best when I feel like I look my best. Odd I know. Enough of that anyway. 

5) Start writing my novel.

I've had various ideas for a novel and I have been documenting these ideas in a rough format. I want to start tying these ideas together and think I want to aim for a novel in roughly a year. That means roughly 1400 words a week and I haven't started yet so I had better get to it. Updates on my novel will be sent through via my mailing list here

Do you have any resolutions for this year? Let me know below or tweet me @TheKBBlog. 

Kayleigh Bella 

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