Sunday, 1 January 2017

2017 New Years Resolutions

I'm pretty certain most people you ask will say that 2016 wasn't the best year for them and some of the decisions made hold a lot of uncertainty. The last few months of 2016 I was focusing on minimising what uncertainty I was subjected to in my own life. I decided to start bullet journaling, look into finances and declutter my space to try and instil some semblance of order to my life. That being said a lot of these new ideas and habits I want to continue into this year so I thought I would share with you all what my resolutions or goals are for 2017.


  • Workout 3 or more times a week
  • Drink 2L of water a day
  • No more snacking.
  • Track my steps and calorific intake.
I understand that this is probably the most common resolution that 99% of people have as well but it's still something I want to work on. There is a little competition in my family at the moment because a few of us want to lose weight. What we've done is each put in an amount of money and then whoever loses the most weight in terms of percentage of weight lost wins all the money. The final weigh in and results are in July as my little sister decided she wanted to start it and that's when her birthday is. I'm also on the Nike+ Run Club if any of you want to play along too to see how many miles we can all do. I'm under


This one I feel is a lot less common but is mainly to do with my bullet journal and how I get jealous of everyone else's beautiful cursive writing. I have had a quick look and there aren't any local to me and the online ones are SO expensive. I think for now I'm going to look at a few blog posts and online resources as a few I've seen come with free printables for practice. If you have any suggestions then please let me know!


This one is something that goes hand in hand with another resolution I have which is to create a budget and stick to it the best I can. I'm saving some money monthly in a Help to Buy ISA which is designed with a higher interest rate and government incentive which aims to help first-time buyers to get on the property ladder. The only issue with this is that there is a £200 a month limit to what can be put in a month. That being said I have another savings account that I'm not using so any extra money I have at the end of the month should really be going in there. This is probably something I will write a separate post on once I've done it.


Reading used to be my favourite pass time when I was younger, I managed to read 3 of the Twilight series in a few days over the summer holidays one year. It's something that I really want to get back into because it's still something I like to do I just choose to do other things instead. I was thinking about limiting this to 1 personal development book a month and then any other genres would be a bonus. The reason I haven't is because a few years ago I never would have thought about reading self-development books and in a few months time my taste in books may change again. I plan on doing a review of a few of the books I'm reading at the moment.


This one is also something I have been trying to do more in the last few months but thought that quantifying it would make the goal more achievable. I want to aim to do a minimum of a blog post a month. I have been planning out what sort of posts I want to do in my bullet journal and by writing this post I am already a twelfth of the way to achieving this goal!
This is going to be a part 1 because I have quite a few more to mention and don't have enough time at the moment to finish writing this essay!
What are your goals or resolutions for 2017?

Kayleigh B
Twitter: @TheKBBlog
Facebook: /TheKBBlog

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